What do we do in this life? We tell, listen to and create stories. We are story tellers and, as Yuval Noah Harari said in “21 Lessons for the 21st Century”:
“Humans think in stories rather than in facts, numbers or equations, and the simpler the story, the better.”
Not so long ago one of these stories started under the name Looxa as a platform to utilize creative potential and create interesting and helpful tools. We provide essential products for those who wish to enhance their journey of yoga practicing as well as those enjoying a clean minimal lifestyle and a decluttered lives (and closets). All of our products are created based on our own experience and are born out of pragmatic necessity for their existence so the rule of thumb is to produce functional tools we would use ourselves. By combining the minimalist approach of “keep it simple” and the medical maxim, here recycled for sustainability, “Do no harm” we judge how (and which) product should be made. No progress should ever take sustainability as a hostage or dismiss it as collateral damage.
Our products are simple, unadorned and straight forward, purified to suit their function without unnecessary distractions and are conceived with the utmost respect for Nature and the final user. The passion of our growing endeavor is to pursue utility and address a real need.
It is our great hope you’ll enjoy using the products and they’ll raise the quality of your experience – whether you’re a master yogi or just delving into your first tries of Surya Namaskars or harbor a zest for multifunctional clothing and are uneasy with the culture of disposable trinkets. We wish to show our respect for all stages of study, making it just as easy for a newcomer as a teacher with our Yoga Workbooks and to show respect to your individual style and unbridled creativity with garments that change as your day or life stages change with the uniFORM clothing system. We loved making them all and we truly hope you’ll enjoy using them.
Thank you for visiting us. Stay cool, stay kind, eat some greens!
With so much love,
The Looxa team
(a couple of funky fun women in an awesome office/studio/workshop somewhere in Zagreb)